Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary #6

obsequious submissive: excessively eager to please or obey
The obsequious three year old was so willing to follow the orders of the six year old.

beatitude the perfect happiness and inner peace supposed to be enjoyed by the soul in heaven bliss: extreme happiness and serenity
I am in a state of beatitude when I go home on the weekend and I do not have homework.
bete noire somebody or something that is particularly disliked
The bête noire of the school is the kid who gets 100's on every test.
bode be sign of something: to be a particular indication of something that is about to happen
The gloomy clouds bode for a sign of rain and perhaps lightning.

 dank damp and cold: unpleasantly damp and cold
The dank sewer was filled with rats.

ecumenical worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
? The ecumenical view in the class on homework during AP testing did not go over well.

 fervid heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm
I am considered a fervid story-teller. 
fetid having a strong, unpleasant smell
There was a fetid odor coming off of the pig's pen.

 gargantuan very large in size or amount, gigantic or colossal
There was a gargantuan spider crawling in my shoes.
heyday The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime
The dance craze the disco, received its heyday primarily in the 70's.

 incubus A nightmare or one that oppresses or burdens like a nightmare
The little boy had an incubus of many creepy clowns

*infrastructure the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly
Due to the new mall being so popular, the city decided to build a new infrastructure so the shoppers may park.

inveigle  persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery
Elisia inveigled Kevin to receive help in order to complete her summer homework assignment.

kudos praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved
Kevin received Kudos from Elisia for achieving a 99% on his Pre-Calculus test.

lagniappe a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly :  something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure
The cellphone company threw in a lagniappe of a FREE PHONE.. if you signed a 2-year contract.

 prolix using too many words
Kevin's defense in why he right ( when he never is ) was unnecessarily prolix.

 protégé a young person who is taught and helped by someone who has a lot of knowledge and experience
Elisia is turning her little sister into her own protégé by teaching her drawing skills and calculus derivatives.

prototype an original or first model of something from which other forms are copied or developed
To my parents, my older sister was the first prototype with all the mistakes, then upon the next copy as in me, was improved.

sycophant a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
He was considered a sycophant since he followed around his old friend who recently became famous.

tautology needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word
Coaches always state this specific tautology, "practice makes perfect."

 truckle To be servile or submissive
Adele was truckle to her husband, even if he was a brute.

1.accolade: sign of praise: a sign or expression of high praise and esteem for somebody
I am given accolades when I get an award or good marks.

 2.acerbity: bitterness: bitterness or sharpness in tone, taste, or manner
The rude customer service person made his tone with more acerbity than needed.

 3.attrition: decrease or reduction in number, size, or strength
The attrition in the number of students who received A in the semester grades demonstrates how tough the course was.

 4.bromide: a platitude or trite saying; a person who is platitudinous and boring
She was considered a bromide since her speeches were always monotone.

 5.chauvinist: somebody with sense of superiority: somebody with an excessive or prejudiced loyalty to a particular gender, group, or cause 
The chauvinist man was angered that the women was allowed to vote even though its 2013

6.chronic: constant; habitual; inveterate; continuing a long time or reoccurring frequently
I have chronic pain in my hand whenever I type.

 7.expound: describe and explain something: to give a detailed description and explanation of a theory or viewpoint
Every group was able to expound their take on the theme and plot of Beowulf.

 8.factionalism: the existence of or conflict between groups within a larger group
The class created factionalism when it came down to choosing the topic of the essay.
 9.immaculate: free from spot or stain.
People called Susan, immaculate Susan since she was such a goody-goody.

 10.imprecation : A curse
I had the imprecation of knowing what deaths have occurred in our home after moving in.

 11.ineluctable: incapable of being evaded; inescapable; unpreventable
It is ineluctable that death will arrive someday.

 12.mercurial: changeable; volatile; animated; lively
She is quite mercurial when it comes to who gets to watch what on the tv.

 13.palliate: to relieve or lessen without curing; alleviate
I was able to palliate some of my friend's stress by reassuring her.

 14.protocol: the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality; an original draft, minute, or record from which a document is prepared
The protocol was ruined with coffee before she was able to make an official and final draft of the schedules.

 15.resplendent:  shining brightly, gleaming, splendid
The way the boy looked at the girl's resplendent eyes, you knew he was in love.
 16.stigmatize:to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon.
When the parents found out that the daughter married outside of their culture, they shunned and stigmatized her for going against their will.

 17.sub rosa:
confidentially, secretly, privately
My parents tried to keep matters sub rosa about my birthday plans, but was not successful in the long run, by the end of the day I knew all my presents.

 18.vainglory: excessive elation and pride over one's achievements; empty pomp or show
The mother's vainglory of her son finally becoming a surgeon, made her friends happy for her at first then annoyed after the constant chatter about the son.

 19.vestige: the mark, trace, or evidence of something that no longer exists; a slight trace or amount
I looked for vestiges of my mid-term paper on the floor after my nephew had colored on it and ripped it.

 20.volition: the act of willing, choosing, or resolving; a decision made by will
After the couple had the huge argument, the boyfriend came back saying, "I'm returning out of my own volition, not because I'm wrong or feel bad."

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