Sunday, August 25, 2013

Oh joy, Beowulf

[Beowulf Returns Home] (lines 1799-2199, pp. 71-79)
1.What future does Hrothgar predict for Beowulf?
- The future that Hrothgar predicts is that Beowulf will get cocky since he was able to kill Grendel and Grendel's mother while he got so much recognition from people.
2.Who is Hygd and why is she not like Modthryth
- Modthryth is an evil queen  who is brutal while Hygd is a beautiful and kind queen of Geat
3.Beowulf reports to Hygelac that Hrothgar may marry his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld. Why does he plan to do that? What does Beowulf expect the result will be? (Remember the Finn story, lines 1070-1158.) How does Beowulf think the peace will be broken? Is this the type of report we expected from the hero Beowulf, or are we seeing a new side of him?
- He tells him because he wants him to be aware that Ingeld and Dane can betray Geat. Beowulf expects that the fighting will continue on instead of saying yes to the agreement. His pride disappears and a darker side of his personality is revealed.
4.How does Beowulf report about his own adventures? Does he report accurately?
- He tells everyone of his adventures in great sugar coated detail. The monsters are "bigger" and "badder" and the riches he gains are exaggerated.
5.What does Beowulf do with the treasure he was given? What does Hygelac give him?
- He shows it to Hygelac. Beowulf gains a sword, hides, land, a hall and a throne.

 BEOWULF AND THE DRAGON (lines 2200-3182, pp. 79-99)
[The Dragon Wakes] (lines 2200-2509, pp. 79-86)
1.How much later does Part 2 take place? What kings have died in the meanwhile? What danger now exists?
Hygelac dies and He has been in control of the tribe for 50 years. The new danger is a dragon who has been sleeping has now waken.
2.Why is the dragon angry? Why did the man take a cup? How did the treasure come to be there in the first place? (The speech of the lone survivor, the one who put the gold in the barrow, is in a typically Old English elegiac tone.)
-The dragon is angry since he woke up to find that his goblet was missing and footprints of the person who took are remained. The cup is stolen because it was the thief's master's order to take it. The treasure comes to be because a person without any children to give it to, scatters them. 
3.What did the dragon destroy that evening?
-That evening the dragon comes out to destroy Geat and the individuals' property.
4.Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt? Why does he order a new shield? How will he fight this battle? What will happen to him?
- He believes his home is burnt because he angered the gods. He orders a new shield so it cannot be burned by the dragon. He plans to fight this battle without a weapon/sword. He is going to risk it all fighting the dragon but he is sure of himself.
5.How did Hygelac die? (The description in lines 2354-2379 begins one of several versions of Geatish history and Hygelac's death we will get.) What did Beowulf do after Hygelac's death? What happened when he returned home? Did he accept Hygd's offer to become king?
- Hygelac dies in the battle of Friesland. Beowulf gets the offer to be king but he declines after he returns home. He assumes the authority position until Heardred grows older and wiser.


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