Wednesday, January 8, 2014


*MORE CONTEMPORARY VS OLD (themes, values, etc.)

I would want to learn more about literature of then and now. How we compared Beowulf's idea of a hero vs. a hero in today's society. This makes it more easy for me to comprehend, and I can relate the themes and ideas of the literature (Beowulf in this case) to today, comparing and contrasting helps me know the basics so I am able to tell whether I know what I'm talking about or not.

We can accomplish this by adding question to the lit analysis such as, "Are the ideals, values, themes of your novel match modern society's?" This would ensure that we are drawing these connections and comparisons to at least the 3 books per semester, if not more due to an extra credit literature analysis.

* Learning about why innocence is tied with youth, and old is tied with the wise.
The old isn't always the wiser ones, and the youth isn't always necessarily innocent.

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