Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vocabulary # 3

1.apostate: somebody who renounces belief: somebody who renounces a belief or allegiance
She was considered an apostate since she betrayed the church, that she was committed to for years.

 2.effusive: unrestrained in expressing feelings: giving or involving an extravagant and sometimes excessive expression of feelings in speech or writing
His effusive confession to the girl, made a huge impact on her in a positive way.

3.impasse: block to progress or agreement: a point at which no further progress can be made or agreement reached
Between three girls to  decide  who gets to shower first, creates an impasse.
 4.euphoria extreme happiness: a feeling of great joy, excitement, or well-being
My day is filled with euphoria when I receive good marks on an exam.

5.lugubrious gloomy: extremely mournful, sad, or gloomy
The lugubrious day began with a funeral, only to follow up with pouring rain.

 bravado: boldness or courage: a real or pretended display of courage or boldness
The character in the novel demonstrated true courage when she risked her life to save her brother.

 consensus: broad unanimity: general or widespread agreement among all the members of a group
The consensus of the avid students was that going up north for the college tour would be best

 dichotomy: separation of different or contradictory things: a separation into two divisions that differ widely from or contradict each other
A dichotomy took place in the class whether the parents are held responsible for their child murdering someone or if the child is responsible.

constrict limit or restrict somebody or something
My job during lunch constricts my time to participate in clubs during that period.

punctilio:  fine point, particular, or detail referring to conduct
My partner has an eye for punctilio, every single thing has to be perfect.

 metamorphosis change of physical form: a complete or marked change of physical form, structure, or substance
When friends return from summer break, it looks
 raconteur: somebody who tells entertaining stories: somebody who tells stories or anecdotes in an interesting or entertaining way
My mother was a great raconteur, she made the stories feel as if you were actually there.

sine qua non: indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential
Water is a sine qua non of life, considered more vital than solid food.
quixotic: excessively romantic: tending to take a romanticized view of life
When  people on TV have a quixotic view on someone who barely walked into their life, but pursue them anyways.

vendetta: prolonged feud: a prolonged bitter feud or quarrel
My older sister and I have a vendetta of the time who got blamed for breaking our mother's vase.

 mystique: f
ramework of doctrines, ideas, and beliefs constructed around a person or object
Her mystique on the theory of earth beginning seems illogical, but from the religious point of view, she cannot be wrong.
quagmire : difficult situation: an awkward, complicated, or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to escape
The character quagmire from family guy creates multiple quagmires by trying to pick up his friend's wife.
 parlous: unsafe: very unsafe, uncertain, or difficult
The parlous bridge hanging over the seemingly endless pit seemed completely unreasonable to cross.

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