Monday, September 16, 2013

Vocabulary # 5

obsequious submissive: excessively eager to please or obey
Edna from the awakening refused to be like obsequious Adele, who catered to her husband.
 beatitude the perfect happiness and inner peace supposed to be enjoyed by the soul in heaven bliss: extreme happiness and serenity
When my sister entered Charlie's chocolate factory she was in a state of beatitude.
bete noire somebody or something that is particularly disliked
In the first grade class, the nose picker was considered a bête noire, his bad habit plagued his ability to make friends.
bode be sign of something: to be a particular indication of something that is about to happen
The dark clouds and roaring winds do not bode well for our afternoon picnic.

 dank damp and cold: unpleasantly damp and cold
The dank cave SpongeBob decided to take refuge in was filled with poison sea urchins.

ecumenical worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
? The ecumenical view in the class on homework during AP testing did not go over well.

 fervid heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm
She was a fervid debater on the issue that education needs to be invested in today.
fetid having a strong, unpleasant smell
There was a fetid odor circulating in the room, everyone turned to look at the little boy in diapers who was grunting.

 gargantuan very large in size or amount, gigantic or colossal
The tiny wizard was faced with a gargantuan beast who appeared to resemble Medusa.
heyday The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime
The dance craze the disco, received its heyday primarily in the 70's.

 incubus A nightmare or one that oppresses or burdens like a nightmare
The little girl had watched "It" alone, now the clown remains her incubus even seven years later.

infrastructure the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly
Due to the new mall being so popular, the city decided to build a new infrastructure so the shoppers may park.

inveigle  persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery
Elisia inveigled Kevin to receive help in order to complete her summer homework assignment.

kudos praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved
Kevin received Kudos from Elisia for achieving a 99% on his Pre-Calculus test.

lagniappe a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly :  something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure
The cellphone company threw in a lagniappe of a FREE PHONE.. if you signed a 2-year contract.

 prolix using too many words
Kevin's defense in why he right ( when he never is ) was unnecessarily prolix.

 protégé a young person who is taught and helped by someone who has a lot of knowledge and experience
Elisia is turning her little sister into her own protégé by teaching her drawing skills and calculus derivatives.

prototype an original or first model of something from which other forms are copied or developed
To my parents, my older sister was the first prototype with all the mistakes, then upon the next copy as in me, was improved.

sycophant a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
He was considered a sycophant since he followed around his old friend who recently became famous.

tautology needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word
Coaches always state this specific tautology, "practice makes perfect."

 truckle To be servile or submissive
Adele was truckle to her husband, even if he was a brute.

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