Thursday, February 20, 2014


To address this question I would:
1) identify the character I would use first and I would personally use Bernard.
2) Identify his "birthplace / homeland " etc. I would use where he lives in the beginning along with the other Alphas.
3) Identify some experiences that are alienating for Bernard such as him attending the meeting required of the other alphas every other week. He felt unaffected by the soma, so he often has to lie about it in order to not be even more of an outcast. Other people don't take orders from him easily since he's smaller than most alphas. So his physical appearance alienates him since alphas from his home are tall etc.
4. Identify how the experiences are enriching. Bernard is more human than other, own independent thought, makes him distinct from other alphas

1 comment:

  1. I like how you didn't just use the term "exile" physically because we don't have to be physically cut off from people to feel exiled.
